Thanks god for bring Annabel to this world with good health. Mummy Huipeng and Annabel is in good condition now. Annabel born on 19th Jan 2009 at 2.31pm at Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Her weight is 3.9kg (8.6 lbs)... a huge baby. She are so cute... :D
It has always been cool to own a polaroid camera and shoot some instant photos in some special occasion. Thanks to Michael Chuah for introduce this super cool website that can download this super cool software that can turns your photo into polaroid feel. It auto convert your photo into a polaroid photo with polaroid frame and special lomography or overexpose feel. This software doesn't need rocket sciences or as complicate as Adobe Photoshop. All u need is go to this POLADROID and download it...... install it... and try it out... U WILL LOVE IT!
Recently i been attracted by this Japanese Hip-hop group called Funky Monkey Babys. All members in the group are from Hachiôji, Japan. This group is form by 3 members; Funky Katō (ファンキー加藤) , Monn-kichi (モン吉) and DJ Chemical (DJケミカル). They are known for featuring celebrities in their promotion videos and singles jackets. All their song concept are about encouraging and supportive. When you see their MTV, u will know what i mean. My favorite single from them is 'Koi no Katamichi Kippu' means Love is a one-way ticket. Hope u love it too....
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